Expand your Horizons

We place a lot of value on how people interact and the results that our teams produce. Our company is employee-owned and built on merit, not seniority; we reward good work and engagement above all else. We are invested in helping you shape a work environment that works for you.

Our Job Openings

We place a lot of value on how people interact and the results that our teams produce. Our company is employee-owned and built on merit, not seniority; we reward good work and engagement above all else. We are invested in helping you shape a work environment that works for you.

Work benefits

Employees are entitled for the benefits provided by the company, as per the existing policies and procedures, which may vary from time to time.


Personal Accident Insurance covered for employee and Medical Insurance are covered for employee and his/her family.

Wellness benefits

We care for our employees and their families. We support and encourage them to enroll in Health & Fitness activities.

Futuristic Work Environment

We’re trying a Hybrid work environment where employee can work from home for two days in a week but based on approval from his/her project manager as needed.


We grow together and celebrate all employee’s recognition for accomplishments and milestones. 

Relocation Allowance

In case employee is relocating from his/ her current location to join us, he / she will be entitled for a relocation reimbursement.



We sponsor quarterly movie tickets to our employees to relax and have fun with families.


We invest on our people and enable them, to grow in their professional careers. We provide trainings as per the requirement.

Company Performance Bonus

Performance bonus is paid employee based on achievement of Business Unit’s profit and individual performance.

Marriage and New Child Benefits

We give surprise gift for employee wedding and welcome gift for new born. 



Work with us

We make time to socialize because it is important that we know each other: But, consciously crafting a work environment takes more than just socializing. It also needs a mechanism to make sure it continues to meet the needs of the people who work here.